About Redwood on Yonge

Frequently Asked Questions


1) Does Redwood on Yonge have more density than Slessor Square?

  • No, the approved density has not changed.


2) Does Redwood on Yonge have a seniors residence?

  • No, it will be purpose built rental with commercial at the base along Yonge Street.


3) Is Redwood on Yonge higher than Slessor Square?

  • No, the max height is the same at 21 storeys.


4) Why is Redwood changing the site to have a parking podium?

  • The soil conditions and high water table on the site do not allow for any more than 1 level of underground parking. Therefore a podium has been added to accommodate the parking needs on the site. It will be faced with residential townhouses and commercial retail.


5) Will adding a third tower make the site more of a visual obstruction than Slessor Square?

  • No, Redwood on Yonge will be visually less obstructive. While Slessor Square had only two towers, it also had 8 and 9 storey slab buildings. Slab buildings of 8 and 9 storeys are significant visual obstructions. By removing these buildings and adding a more slender third tower, Redwood has improved the sight lines through the site.